As the temperature rises, the risk of heat-related illnesses becomes more serious. Heatstroke is the most severe of these. It can become life-threatening if not treated. Understanding how heatstroke impacts the body is key to recognising symptoms and taking action.
What is Heatstroke?
Heatstroke happens when the body’s temperature regulation system is overwhelmed by excessive heat. This can lead to a fast rise in core body temperature.
This condition results from over-exposure to high temperatures, physical activity in the heat or both. Unlike heat exhaustion, heatstroke is a medical emergency which requires immediate attention.
The Body’s Response to Heat
Under normal circumstances, the human body maintains its temperature through thermoregulation. This involves sweating, increasing blood flow to the skin, and other practices. But, in extreme heat, this can fail, which leads to a rise in core body temperature.
Effects on the Nervous System
One of the first things affected by heatstroke is the nervous system. High body heat can cause the brain to swell. This leads to confusion, disorientation, agitation and seizures.
In severe cases, it can lead to loss of conciousness or a coma. The neurological impact can be long-lasting, with some people experiencing permanent cognitive impairment.
Cardiovascular System Strain
Heatstroke causes immense strain on the cardiovascular system. As the body cools itself, blood vessels dilate and the heart rate increases to try and pump more blood to the surface of the skin.
This can lead to a significant drop in blood pressure, reducing blood flow to vital organs. Prolonged hypotension can cause organ failure in the kidneys and liver.
Respiratory System Impact
The increased metabolic rate and oxygen demand during heatstroke can lead to hyperventilation. In severe cases, this can cause a condition where the blood becomes too alkaline. This is due to loss of carbon dioxide. This can complicate the body’s attempts to restore normal temperature and function.
Muscular System and Rhabdomyolysis
Heatstroke can also lead to rhabdomyolysis. This is a condition where muscle fibres break down, releasing their contents into the bloodstream. This can cause severe muscle pain, weakness and dark-coloured urine.
The muscle proteins can damage the kidneys. This could lead to acute kidney failure if not managed.
Gastrointestinal System Complications
The gastrointestinal system can also be affected by heatstroke. Reduced blood flow into the intestines can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. In severe cases, this could lead to gastrointestinal bleeding, dehydration and electrolyte imbalances.
Skin and Sweating
During the start of heatstroke, the skin may be hot and dry due to the body having difficulty to sweat. But, in exertional heatstroke, the skin can be moist due to ongoing physical activity. Regardless, the inability to regulate temperature through sweating is a key sign of heatstroke.
Kidney Function
Kidneys are particularly vulnerable during heatstroke. Dehydration, low blood pressure and rhabdomyolysis can contribute to acute kidney injury. This can manifest as less urine, electrolyte imbalances and the need for dialysis.
Treatment and Prevention
Treatment of heatstroke involves cooling the body as fast as possible. Some methods include going in cold water, applying ice packs to major arteries and using cooling blankets. Rehydration with fluids is also crucial. It restores electrolyte balance and supports organ function.
Preventing heatstroke involves keeping hydrated, wearing the right clothing, avoiding exercise in heat and taking regular breaks from the sun. Awareness and noticing symptoms are key to prevent progression.
Heatstroke can be a severe condition that impacts the bodies systems. It can cause permanent damage if not treated. Understanding the impact that heatstroke has on the body shows the importance of preventative measures.
As climate change raises the global temperatures, recognising the signs and knowing how to respond to heatstroke can prevent long-term health issues.